
Select an Interpreter

The extension now exposes a command that will display a list of known (automatically discovered) interpreters. Selecting an item from this interpreter will automatically configure your workspace settings file settings.json to make use of this interpreter.
This now frees you from having to manually open the settings.json file and make the necessary changes.

How are the interpreters discovered?

  • Standard paths such as /usr/local/bin, /usr/sbin, /sbin, C:\\Python2.7, etc. will be searched for interpreters
  • Virtual environments located under the workspace (project) directory will be searched
  • Conda environments will be listed

How to use this feature?

  • Select the command Python: Select Workspace Interpreter from the [command palette](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_command-palette)
  • Upon selecting the above command a list of discovered interpreters will be displayed in a quick pick list
  • Selecting an interpreter from this list will update the settings.json file automatically.

Interpreter is not listed
If the interpreter you are looking for is not listed here, then please enter is manually using the instructions found here.

Select Interpreter Select Interpreter

Execute in Python Terminal

The extension now exposes a command that allows you to:

  • Execute the currently opened file in a python terminal window
  • Execute a file from the explorer in a python terminal window
  • And finally to send the selected text in the current editor to a python terminal window

Run from Explorer Run from Editor Run Selection



Select an Interpreter

The extension now exposes a command that will display a list of known (automatically discovered) interpreters. Selecting an item from this interpreter will automatically configure your workspace settings file settings.json to make use of this interpreter.
This now frees you from having to manually open the settings.json file and make the necessary changes.

How are the interpreters discovered?

  • Standard paths such as /usr/local/bin, /usr/sbin, /sbin, C:\\Python2.7, etc. will be searched for interpreters
  • Virtual environments located under the workspace (project) directory will be searched
  • Conda environments will be listed

How to use this feature?

  • Select the command Python: Select Workspace Interpreter from the [command palette](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_command-palette)
  • Upon selecting the above command a list of discovered interpreters will be displayed in a quick pick list
  • Selecting an interpreter from this list will update the settings.json file automatically.

Interpreter is not listed
If the interpreter you are looking for is not listed here, then please enter is manually using the instructions found here.

Select Interpreter Select Interpreter

Execute in Python Terminal

The extension now exposes a command that allows you to:

  • Execute the currently opened file in a python terminal window
  • Execute a file from the explorer in a python terminal window
  • And finally to send the selected text in the current editor to a python terminal window

Run from Explorer Run from Editor Run Selection